Alchemy: The process by which you change your base inner being into something pure
Apparition: An entity or someone who has crossed over. Energy that has formed together to shape a physical body without substance.
Astral Travel: The ability to travel by way of one’s soul leaving the physical body for a short period of time.
Astrology: The study of planetary energies in conjunction to our own. This is a form of divination.
Aura: An energy field emitted from within ourselves that is surrounding our physical body.
Chakras: The inlets & outlets of the body’s energy field that connect the body to the aura
Clairaudience: The ability to hear sounds from Spirit or those whom have crossed over to the other side.
Clairsentience: The ability of clear knowing or feeling in regard to a situation.
Clairvoyance: the ability to “see” things without physical faculties. This is an ability to pick up images in your mind that appear as a clear picture. This is not your imagination.
Crystals: Minerals that naturally form in Mother Earth; they come in all sizes, shapes & colours. They are also used in a variety of ways within the metaphysical world.
Devil: “Adversary or Accuser” usually one’s own darker half that tries to lead you astray from the light. Also frequently in conjunction & mistaken for Satan
Divination: The process or ability to bring forth knowledge.
Dream visitation: The spirit of someone who has crossed over appears in a lucid dream state in order to pass on messages.
Entities: Spiritual beings that are not of this realm. They can be either good or bad
Fairies: Little beings from other realms or dimensions. Archaic English term is “Fay” meaning “enchanted or bewitched” – the state of enchantment is “fayerie” or fairy.
Ghost: another popular word for entity or spirit that has passed over & has manifested back. They are sometimes seen as a fog or an apparition.
GOD: The Supreme creator who is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, etc. – Also any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or also the personification of a force.
Karma: This is the return of all past deeds, whether good or bad. What goes around comes around.
Lucid Dreaming: The state of dreaming while knowing that you are dreaming, it is the state of mental clarity.
Manifestation: The state in which something is brought forth from the mental plane into the physical plane.
Meditation: A state of mind in which a feeling of calming & clarity is achieved
Medium: A “go between” or “middle man” between the Spiritual & physical worlds. They are able to pick up messages from those who have crossed over, Angels, Spirit Guides, etc.
Paganism: A group of alternative religions based on nature worship – WICCA is the most widely practiced of these. The term “pagan” is a Latin derivative meaning “country dweller”
Past Lives: We live in the present as a “life” time, but we have all experienced “past” lives or life times from another era.
Psychic: someone who is extra sensitive to things beyond the natural range of perception.
Psycho kinesis: The power to move something just by thinking about it & without the use of physical force.
Psychometry: The ability to “pick up” psychic impressions simply by touching an object or person
Prophesy: A situation or event that has been foretold. This is the ability to see the future.
Reading: This is a session where – by answers to specific questions or situations may be answered through many forms of psychic impressions.
Reiki: The Universal Life Force Energy that is used in order for healing sessions
Shape Shifting: The process of assimilating characteristics of other beings such as animals while in deep meditation or through Spirit Walks
Smudging: A process or ritual typically done by burning herbs such as sage, cedar or sweet grass in order to dispel any negative energies from yourself or your surroundings
Spirit: The vital principle or animating force within living things. The same principle continues on even after death
Telepathy: A form of communication from one mind to another without the use of sensory perceptions
Visualization: The process of “picturing” a specific outcome or place within your mind. It is also a form of daydreaming with more specific details put into it
~Facts & Definitions~
FAQ's (Facts)
Q: Is there really a devil?
A: The devil as we know it was created several centuries ago as a form of discipline or keeping people in line. As the ages past, there have been a wealth of stories & misinterpretations of who the Devil is supposed to be & the power that he or she has over people.
Q: Are those who have passed away always with us?
A: Be it loved ones, pets or acquaintances that have passed away, there can be a connection on some level, but there are many factors to obtaining that connection. They are not always with us, as once crossed, our spirits have lessons to be learned. Although many like to make themselves known by disturbing electrical currents, such as turning lights on & off, or turning music volume up or down. Touch, smell & yes, even on occasion, seeing them, especially when caught on digital camera.
Q: How many God’s are there?
A: The answer to this all depends on which faith you may follow. Not all faiths or religions have the same belief structure. Time has also shown that the number of deities has changed several times.
Q: What is Karma?
A: Karma is the energy placed on or around something. There is good & bad karma in everything. It’s essential to clear all karmic debts (bad karma) as much as possible in each lifetime, so our spirit may ascend to our heavenly home permanently.
Q: Is there such thing as astral travel?
A: Yes there is. Astral travel, or momentarily being taken to another dimension occurs when a person is in the delta or theta realm of sleep. Some more practiced people can attain this through meditation. There are people who perceive a silver cord attached to them as they “float” in another space & time. When snapped awake, some people experience a feeling of being dropped or bounced back into their body.
Q: Do animals have a soul?
A: There are many beliefs in answer to this question. Anything that naturally emits energy & life has a soul of some type. Look into the eyes of bird, dog, etc. & you can see the life force & understanding. Plants also react to the positive & negative vibrations around them.
Q: What are chakras?
A: Chakras are our energy vortexes that act as release valves of the body. Each chakra connects to the corresponding area of the aura. There are 7 main chakras & 28 minor ones that are located directly on the physical body. There are many more throughout the auric & etheric levels.
Q: Are animals psychic?
A: Animals are more psychic than humans. The reason is that they vibrate on a much higher level than we do. Here’s an example: animals can hear, smell & sense things much earlier & at higher pitches than we humans, thus enabling them to see, hear, smell or see spiritual things before us.
Q: Why can some people “see” & others can’t?
A: All people, animals, birds & insects can “see”. Humans are impressionable & in the need not to be rejected, want to believe what we are told, starting from a very early age. Those who are open & walking their Spiritual paths are more aware of the experiences. Those who have been taught that it’s wrong to have visions, speak with the other side & have premonitions are still experiencing them but are chalking it up to coincidence or just a dream.
Q: Does everyone have past lives & what are they?
A: Each person has experienced a past life. We’re here in this life to learn more lessons & correct the mistakes we made in the past life. If you have a strong like or dislike toward a person, place or thing, this is a subconscious past life memory. Fears & phobias are built out of past lives & how we deal with them now depends on whether we learned the lesson or not. To be able to find out who you were in a past life would require a regression by a qualified & reputable therapist.
Q: What are crystals?
A: Crystals are stones that emanate from within Mother Earth & on the very surface are wonderful in the rough form & beautiful when cleansed & polished.
Q: Are crystals useful in everyday life?
A: Crystals are used in many ways throughout everyday life. They are used in healing, protection, beauty & rituals. The beautiful black, blue & green kyanite is said to absorb negativity from the wearer. Amethyst placed around the home increases the wearer’s psychic abilities and increases protection of the home. There are many wonderful books available to further discuss crystals & their uses.
Q: Do vibrations affect our daily lives?
A: They most certainly do. Everything is vibrational; if it weren’t, everything would fall apart. Vibrations of earth are measured on the Richter scale. Vibrations from an electronic device, such as a radio or T.V are heard through the ears. Loud & rhythmic noises such as the pounding of a machine in a workshop can cause nerve damage & aggravation. Certain vibrations can keep you from sleeping soundly. In the Arizona & New Mexico area, there is a “HUM” that affects many people. Tourists have reported adverse reactions and some who have tried to live there have had to move. The source of the “HUM” has yet to be located.